Compass is an archive of Library news from 2005 - 2008. For the latest Library news check the Library Blogs.
Compass Newsletter Masthead
   Volume I, Issue 1
March 2005   

What has the Library done for me lately?

"More food options with my morning paper."

Joe Punzi, sophomore,
Commerce & Finance

"The new study space is a great place to write papers."

Meredith McOlvin, junior,
Education & Human Services

"Database searching by subject makes finding information really easy. If you have any problems the staff is really nice."

Marianna Smbatian, junior,
Criminal Justice and Sociology

"Two words - wireless laptops."

Meghan Cassidy, junior, Political Science

"The new 24-hour study is a great place to do work and have fun with your friends."

Matthew DePont, junior, Economics and English

Photographs by Bernadette Dierkes and Laura Hutelmyer.